Community Support

Community Support

Building on individual goals, interests and abilities, Brockville & Area Community Living Association serves over 110 individuals with an intellectual disability so that they can live meaningful lives in the community. To work, volunteer, participate in recreational activities, and to shop at local businesses:

“Community Living” and inclusion involves not only the direct support to these individuals, but the support of the communities in which they live.

It is our belief “that all persons live in a state of dignity, share in all elements of living in the community and have the opportunity to participate effectively”. Every day the community of Brockville and surrounding areas joins us in making this belief a reality. Every day, our sponsored individuals are included and valued as employees, volunteers, team members, and friends.

These individuals go to work, enjoy recreational opportunities, contribute as volunteers, participate in faith communities and chat over the fence with their neighbours.

Through the volunteer and employment support efforts of Brockville & Area Community Living Association, volunteers and job seekers are matched to opportunities and, if needed, support staff work alongside the new workers to help them gain the necessary skills to succeed long-term on the job. As a result, our workers hold down part-time and full-time jobs, complete piecework and contract work excel as volunteers and have placements with businesses in order to complete training or work experience.

We have seen our partnerships in Brockville and surrounding areas continuously increase and we now proudly boast over 50 volunteer and employment partners from Brockville and surrounding areas.

Following their interests and abilities, individuals pursue further education, hobbies, and recreational activities in the community. To paint, garden, knit, bowl, play darts, swim, sing, learn, surf the internet, exercise, and cook. To skate, fish, take pictures, read, collect coins, dance, throw birthday parties, and simply to belong.

Employment Support

Job search, resume creation and update, job training, ODSP employment supports, job placement, job retention, part and full-time competitive employment, work crews, shared postings. For more information contact Tracey Bennett, Employment Supervisor.

Communication Facilitator

A wide range of communications supports and resources available for people using an alternate way of communication.

Volunteer Services

Recruitment in search of persons to volunteer within our Association. Focus on strengths, interests and preferences of a volunteer to match with an individual with an intellectual disability having similar interests. A search of volunteer positions within the community. For more information contact Nancy Fischer, Community Inclusion Supervisor.

Leisure and Recreation

Support is offered for full community participation in activities that may be individual or group focused, competitive or recreation-based, seasonal or annual, participant or spectator. The choices are numerous and opportunities to expand on your circles of friends is endless.


Enrolment in continued education at the local college. Volunteers to run basic literacy programs. Transportation is available.