Services & Support

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Supports and Services are tailored to the person and their goals, aspirations and needs as identified in their Individual Support Agreement (ISA). The plan is developed by facilitating a process of Person Directed Planning. This process involves the person, family members and other people important to the person.

Supporting people in their homes

The Brockville & Area Community Living Association provides supports and services to adults with intellectual disabilities in their homes and assists them to live a valued, contributing and inclusive life in the community. A number of people receive staffing supports 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if necessary. The supports provided include assistance with daily living, personal care, assistance with medical appointments, meal planning, shopping, personal money management and banking and community involvement. Services and supports are uniquely tailored for each person and are provided to ensure that people can live a fulfilled, valued, inclusive life in the community.

Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living enables someone with an intellectual disability to live with or without a partner/room-mate. A caseworker enables the achievement of outcomes which are aligned with each person’s individual support plan and paid supports are available on a part-time basis to foster and maintain independence. Someone considering this option would have life skills necessary to live with occasional support for meals, money management and community engagement.

Alternatives may also be created when someone has individualized funds. Living arrangements may be similar to the models described above or may look different. Experienced support is available to help someone develop a personalized plan and budget for individualized funds.

Community Participation Supports

Our community participation activities provide opportunities for people to express themselves creatively, engage in physical activities, socialize with others, enjoy community talent and have fun. People are supported to try new things that encourage self-development.

Being connected and having memberships in groups outside of the family develops social identities and gives people experience with openness, intimacy, bonding, personal growth and a broadening of horizons beyond the familiar.

Contact us if you have an interest in purchasing individualized Community Participation Supports or other needs where we might be of assistance.